
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Call Center Satisfaction Index

The University of Michigan has done it again. This time a group of faculty have formed a separate business called the CFI Group and have developed an index for call centers. The index uses the same methodology as the University's American Customer Satisfaction Index. Here are some of the preliminary results:
1. Issue resolution is the key driver for call center satisfaction
2. Almost 20% of callers end their call without their issue resolved.
3. Of those who didn't have their issues resolved, 68% of those are at risk of defection
4. 43% of those without their issue resolved said they would defect.
5. Customers who think the contact center lies outside the US rate their satisfaction experience 26 points lower (on the 100 point scale)
6. 88% of the time customer issues are able to be resolved when the rep speaks clearly, compared to 45% of the time when the rep has poor communication skills.
7. PC call centers have low satisfaction ratings because nearly 25% of the callers hang up without their issue being resolved.
8. The industry rankings are:
Catelog centers - 80
Banking call centers - 77
Cell phone service call centers - 69
Cable and satellite Television call centers - 68
Insurance call centers - 68
Personal computer call centers - 64

The bottom line is that most companies see the call center as a cost center rather than a vehicle to build customer loyalty.

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