
Friday, June 1, 2007

Tech Support in perspective

Once again the Aberdeen Group has conducted a study of tech support contact centers (Best Industry Practices in Service Contact Centers and Support Desks) and provided a brief look into the support center operation that warrants careful consideration by service managers. For example, consider the following data derived from the study:
1. 85% of polled companies felt that resolving customer issues in the call center is "very" or "extremely" important.
2. 14% of these same companies were satisfied with their company's ability to achieve this goal.
3. When the best-in-class companies developed knowledge management systems and coupled that with training and follow-up procedures they resolved 63% of calls (I believe this is the first call solution statistic) versus 52% average for first call resolution for all the companies in the study.

The bottom line for this study was to demonstrate that knowledge management, training and follow-up are the keys to improved perfromance of the tech support call center.

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