
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Government and Good Customer Service

I think I have found a real oximoron. The surprising news is that public satisfaction with government web sites is increasing. Holy Cow!!!

According to the ACSI, one of the most reputable survey services in the US notes that the aggregate score of 73.9 out of 100 points increased from 72.9 in the previous quarter. This latest score is among the highest since the index was launched in 2003 and nearly matching the high of 74 points that occurred in 2006.

According to Larry Freed, President and CEO of Foresee Research, which published the report 27 percent of the government sites surveyed scored 80 or above on the index. If some can achieve scores of 80 or more, that means that there are still some government web sites that are not serving the public very well.

Some of the other AMAZING and positive facts noted in the report are:
1. GSA's main web site is up 9 points from last year and 22 points from when it was first measured.
2. National Center for Drug Abuse made significant gains.
3. national Resource Conservation Service also made significant gains.

While the private sector still out-performs the government, the government appears to be working to improve their site satisfaction.

Let's hope the government continues to improve its web sites. We the people deserve web sites that work and are easy to use. It's about time the government figured this out!

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