
Tuesday, May 29, 2007

consumer technology customers

A BPRI Group study on behalf on Accenture captured opinions of both technology company execs and consumers. The results are consistent with studies in the past and validate the need for constant attention to customer service. The findings of the study include:

1. When technology customers receive mediocre service 78% consider using different suppliers.

2. Although 75% of the technology company executives thought their service was above average, 58% of the consumers rated service as average or below.

3. Over 8 out of 10 customers who rated their supplier with below average service said they would switch suppliers the next time they made a purchase.

4. A rating of average service dropped the purchasing loyalty from 51% to 27%.

5. 61% of technology consumers believe that technology has not improved customer service.

6. More than 40% of the consumers said they had to access customer service channels more than once to get their problems resolved.

And following the old adage that bad news travels fast, nearly half of the consumers shared their negative experiences with friends and family.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog thanks for sharing details
