
Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Online loyalty

A study was conducted during March and April of this year of online shoppers who spend more than $500 annually and make online purchases at least 4 times a year. The sample was 1,000 qualified consumers. The study was done by "the e-tailing group, inc." and "Doubleclick Performics." The results provide an interesting picture of the serious online shopper as noted by the statistics below:
1. 71% of shoppers browse multiple online stores prior to completing a purchase.
2. 42% price shop a product using comparison engines.
3. 70% belong to a frequent buyer/loyalty program.
4. 53% ranked "discounts or exclusive offers for members" as the most important feature of loyalty programs.
5. Men were less loyal than women.
6. "Poor service" ranked as most likely to deter shoppers from becoming loyal to a web site.
7. Rewards customers are less sensitive to price.
8. Free shipping is the most important enticement to drive customers back to sites.

The bottom line for the company who is selling on line is to create a loyalty program that offers discounts for their loyal customers, offer free shipping and keep the service level HIGH.

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